1120 N 5th St, Spearfish, SD 57783



To view a sermon series, click on the tab below.

The Book of Genesis Sermon Series

Genesis 50:15-26 “Assurance of God’s Grace” (9/12/2021)

Genesis 49:29-50:14 “Death, Grief, and Hope” (9/5/2021)

Genesis 48:1-28 “The Blessings of Israel” (8/29/2021)

Genesis 47:29-48:22 “By Faith, Jacob Blessed” (8/22/2021)

Genesis 45:16-47:31 “Israel Went down to Egypt” (8/15/2021)

John 6 “Words of Eternal Life” by Ruling Elder Jason Nehl (8/8/2021)

2 Chronicles 7:12-14 “Humble before God” by guest preacher Ruling Elder Floyd Drexler (8/1/2021)

Genesis 45:1-15 “God Sent Joseph to Egypt” (7/25/2021)

Genesis 43:15-44:34 “God Has Found out Their Guilt” (7/18/2021)

Genesis 43:1-14 “God Almighty Grants Mercy” (7/11/2021)

Acts 2:38-39 “The Promises of God” (7/4/2021)

Genesis 41:53-42:38 “Joseph’s Dreams Remembered” (6/27/2021)

Genesis 40-41 “Joseph’s Humiliation and Exaltation” (6/20/2021)

Genesis 39 “The Lord Was with Joseph” (6/13/2021)

Genesis 38 “Judah and Tamar” (6/6/2021)

Genesis 37:2-36 “The Generations of Jacob” (5/30/2021)

We are sorry, but the Scripture reading and some introductory matters were inadvertently left off of the recording. Therefore, you will want to read the passage before listening to the sermon.

Genesis 35:16-37:1 “Jacob or Esau: Who Has It Better?” (5/23/2021)

Genesis 35:1-15 “Go to the House of God” (5/16/2021)

Genesis 34 “After Coming Safely to Canaan” (5/9/2021)

Genesis 33:12-20 “Jacob Comes Safely to Canaan” (5/2/2021)

Isaiah 49:1-7 “Behold My Servant: The Redeemer and the Holy One” by guest preacher Pastor Art Sartorius (4/25/2021)

Genesis 33:1-11 “Jacob’s Reconciliation with Esau” (4/18/2021)

Genesis 32:22-32 “Jacob Wrestled with God” (4/11/2021)

Philippians 1:18b-26 “To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain” (4/4/2021)

Genesis 32:1-21 “Jacob Beginning to Change” (3/28/2021)

Genesis 31 “Jacob Returning to the Promised Land” (3/21/2021)

Genesis 30:24-31:16 “The Lord Blessed Laban and Jacob” (3/14/2021)

We are sorry, but the sermon audio did not get properly recorded because of technical difficulties.

Genesis 29:31-30:24 “God’s Dealings with Leah, Rachel, and Jacob” (3/7/2021)

Genesis 29 “God’s Providence for Jacob” (2/28/2021)

Genesis 28:10-22 “God’s Promises to Jacob” (2/21/2021)

Note: The Scripture reading was inadvertently left off the recording. Therefore, you will want to read the passage before listening to the sermon.

Genesis 27:30-28:9 “Esau’s Sorrow” (2/14/2021)

Genesis 26:34-28:9 “The Covenant Family” (2/7/2021)

Genesis 26:1-33 “The God of Abraham Blessed Isaac” (1/31/2021)

Genesis 25:29-34 “Esau Despised His Birthright” (1/24/2021)

Genesis 25 “God’s Purpose of Election” (1/17/2021)

Genesis 24 “God Showed His Steadfast Love” (1/10/2021)

Ephesians 4:26-27 “Be Angry and Sin Not!” by Ruling Elder Tyler Ehnes (1/3/2021)

Genesis 24:1-9 “Abraham’s Final Words” (12/27/2020)

Philippians 2:1-11 “The Incarnation: Christ Humbled Himself” (12/20/2020)

Note: The Scripture reading was inadvertently left off of the recording. Therefore, you will want to read the passage before listening to the sermon.

Genesis 22:20-23:20 “Sojourner and Foreigner” (12/13/2020)

Genesis 22:1-19 “The Lord Will Provide” (12/6/2020)

Note: The Scripture reading was inadvertently left off of the recording. Therefore, you will want to read the passage before listening to the sermon.

Genesis 22:1-19 “God Tested Abraham” (11/29/2020)

Genesis 21:22-34 “The Everlasting God Is with You” (11/22/2020)

Romans 14 “COVID-19: Masks and the Church” (11/15/2020)

Romans 13:1-7 “COVID-19: Politics and Government” (11/8/2020)

Romans 12:1-2 “COVID-19: What Should We Do? What Should We Think?” (11/1/2020)

Genesis 21:8-21 “Casting out Ishmael” (10/25/2020)

Genesis 21:1-7 “According to God’s Word” (10/18/2020)

We are sorry, but this sermon’s audio did not get recorded.

Genesis 20 “Abimelech’s Sin and God’s Intervention” (10/11/2020)

Genesis 20 “Abraham’s Sin and God’s Intervention” (10/4/2020)

Genesis 19:30-38 “Lot’s Legacy” (9/27/2020)

Genesis 19:23-29 “Judgment and Salvation” (9/20/2020)

Genesis 19:12-22 “Getting out of Sodom” (9/13/2020)

Genesis 19:4-11 “Sodom: The Present Evil Age” (9/6/2020)

1 Peter 5:1-4 “Shepherd” (8/30/2020)

Genesis 19 “Righteous Lot” (8/23/2020)

Genesis 18:16-33 “The Judge of All the Earth” (8/16/2020)

John 10:1-10 “Times of Refreshing” by Ruling Elder Gary Wood (8/9/2020)

Genesis 18:16-33 “Abraham: A Friend of God” (7/26/2020)

Note: We had a couple of technical difficulties. The recording begins in the middle of the Scripture Reading. And there was a glitch with live-streaming during the service, which is why Pastor Luke pauses preaching at one point. Thankfully, the whole sermon did get recorded. 

Genesis 18:1-15 “Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?” (7/19/2020)

Genesis 17:15-27 “Abraham Laughed” (7/12/2020)

Genesis 17:9-14 “Circumcision: The Sign of the Abrahamic Covenant” (7/5/2020)

John 15:12-17 “This Is My Beloved and This Is My Friend” by Ruling Elder Gary Wood (6/28/2020)

Genesis 17:1-8 “The Abrahamic Covenant” (6/21/2020)

Genesis 16:7-16 “God Listens and Sees” (6/14/2020)

Romans 12:1-2 “Our Heart’s Response to God’s Mercy” by Ruling Elder Candidate Jason Nehl (6/7/2020)

Genesis 16:1-6 “Failure to Wait upon the Lord” (5/31/2020)

Genesis 15:7-21 “How Am I to Know?” (5/24/2020)

Genesis 15:1-6 “Abram Believed the Lord” (5/17/2020)

Genesis 14:17-24 “King of Sodom, King of Salem” (5/10/2020)

Genesis 14:1-16 “Abram’s Victory” (5/3/2020)

Genesis 13:10-18 “Walk by Faith, Not by Sight” (4/26/2020)

Genesis 13:1-9 “Abram Returns” (4/19/2020)

Acts 17:30-31 “The Resurrection of Christ” (4/12/2020)

We are sorry, but this sermon’s audio did not get recorded. It is available, however, on our Facebook page, because Pastor Luke preached this sermon on Facebook Live: facebook.com/newcovenantspearfish

Genesis 12:10-20 “Abram’s Lack of Faith” (4/5/2020)

Genesis 12:4-9 “Abram’s Faith” (3/29/2020)

Genesis 11:10-12:3 “The Gospel to Abram” (3/22/2020)

Genesis 11:1-9 “The Tower of Babel” (3/15/2020)

Genesis 10 “The Generations of the Sons of Noah” (3/8/2020)

Genesis 9:18-29 “Canaan and Noah” (3/1/2020)

Genesis 9:8-17 “The Noahic Covenant” (2/23/2020)

Genesis 9:1-7 “For the Life of Man” (2/16/2020)

John 8:12-59 “Jesus the I AM” by guest preacher Pastor Dave Peterson (2/9/2020)

Genesis 8:20-22 “The Pleasing Aroma” (2/2/2020)

Genesis 8 “A New Creation” (1/26/2019)

We are sorry, but we had technical difficulties on this Sunday, and the sermon did not get recorded. Pastor Luke, however, preached this same sermon at Black Hills Community Church (PCA) in their evening worship. You can find that recording here.

Romans 1:18-32 “Knowing God” by Ruling Elder Tyler Ehnes (1/19/2020)

Genesis 7:11-8:5 “God Remembered Noah” (1/12/2020)

Genesis 7 “The Flood” (1/5/2020)

Genesis 6:9-7:16 “Righteous and Blameless” (12/29/2019)

John 3:16-21 “God Gave His Only Son” (12/22/2019)

Joshua 14:6-15 “Care to Be a Caleb” by guest preacher Ruling Elder Jay Heeren (12/15/2019)

Genesis 6:1-8 “Favor in the Eyes of the Lord” (12/8/2019)

We are sorry, but we had technical difficulties on this Sunday, and the sermon did not get recorded.

Genesis 5 “He Walked with God” (11/24/2019)

Genesis 4:17-26 “Call upon the Name of the Lord” (11/17/2019)

Genesis 4:1-16 “Cain: An Offspring of the Serpent” (11/10/2019)

Genesis 4:1-5a “The Difference between Cain and Abel” (11/3/2019)

Genesis 3:20-24 “The Way to the Tree of Life” (10/27/2019)

Genesis 3:16-19 “Pain” (10/20/2019)

Genesis 3:14-15 “The Covenant of Grace” (10/13/2019)

Genesis 3:7-13 “The Effects of the Fall” (10/6/2019)

Genesis 3:1-6 “The Fall of Man” (9/29/2019)

Matthew 28:16-20 “Baptism” (9/22/2019)

Genesis 2:18-25 “Marriage” (9/15/2019)

Genesis 2:18-25 “Fellowship” (9/8/2019)

Genesis 1:27 and 2:18-25 “Gender and Sexuality” (9/1/2019)

Genesis 2:16-17 “The Covenant of Works” (8/25/2019)

Genesis 2:8-15 “Work and Keep” (8/18/2019)

2 Corinthians 4:1-7 “The Ministry of the Gospel” by Ruling Elder Gary Wood (8/4/2019)

Genesis 2:4-9 “Body and Soul” (7/28/2019)

Genesis 2:1-3 “Rest” (7/21/2019)

Genesis 1:28-31 “Fill and Subdue” (7/14/2019)

Genesis 1:26-27 “The Image of God” (7/7/2019)

Genesis 1:1-31 “The Heavens Declare the Glory of God” (6/30/2019)

Job 1 and Romans 8:28-39 “God’s Sovereign Purposes: Our Hope in the Midst of Suffering” by Ruling Elder Candidate Jason Nehl (6/23/2019)

Genesis 1:1-2 “In the Beginning, God” (6/16/2019)

The Gospel According to Matthew Sermon Series

Matthew 28:16-20 “The Great Commission” (3/3/24)

Matthew 28:1-10 “The Angel and the Resurrected Jesus” (2/25/24)

Matthew 27:62-28:15 “Witnesses to the Resurrection of Jesus” (2/18/24)

We encourage you to read and reflect upon 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 after listening to the sermon.

Matthew 27:55-61 “The Burial of Jesus” (2/11/24)

Matthew 27:45-54 “Darkness, Tearing, and Earthquake” (2/4/24)

1 John 1:1-4 “Fellowship with and Joy in Christ” (1/28/24)

Matthew 27:32-50 “Jesus Is Forsaken” (1/21/24)

Matthew 27:27-44 “Jesus Is Mocked” (1/14/24)

Matthew 27:15-26 “Whom Do You Want?” (1/7/24)

John 13:1-12 “He Loved Them to the End, Part 2” by guest preacher Ferris Bauman (12/31/23)

2023 Christmas Eve Devotion (12/24/23)

Matthew 27:11-26 “What Shall I Do with Jesus?” (12/24/23)

Matthew 27:1-10 “What Is That to Us?” (12/17/23)

Matthew 27:1-5 “Judas’s Remorse” (12/10/23)

Leviticus 1:1-17 “The Burnt Offering: A Whole and Holy Sacrifice” by Elder Jason Nehl (12/3/23)

We are sorry, but this sermon did not get recorded. 

John 13:1 “He Love Them to the End” by guest preacher Ferris Bauman (11/26/23)

Matthew 26:69-75 “Remember the Sayings of Jesus” (11/19/23)

Matthew 26:57-68 “Jesus Remained Silent” (11/12/23)

We encourage you to read Revelation 1:4-7 after listening to the sermon.

Matthew 26:47-56 “That the Scriptures Might Be Fulfilled” (11/5/23)

Matthew 26:36-46 “Jesus, the Great High Priest” (10/29/23)

Matthew 26:30-35 “Jesus, the Shepherd” (10/22/23)

Note: The sermon audio begins at 13:35 (our congregational Responsive Reading of Psalm 118 and the Shepherd’s Prayer are included). Also, we were having some audio difficulties, which may come through on the recording.

Matthew 26:26-29 “Jesus’ Blood of the Covenant” (10/15/23)

Matthew 26:17-25 “Is It I?” (10/8/23)

Matthew 26:14-16 “The Worth of Jesus” (10/1/23)

We are sorry, but this sermon did not get recorded. We encourage you to meditate upon these verses in connection with Matthew 26:6-9 and Revelation 5:9-14.

John 19:28-30 “The Savior’s Thirst” by guest preacher Pastor Nathan Lee (9/24/23)

Matthew 26:1-16 “This Gospel” (9/17/23)

Matthew 25:31-46 “The Final Judgment” (9/10/23)

Matthew 25:14-30 “Enter into the Joy of Your Master” (9/3/23)

Matthew 25:1-13 “Watch for the Bridegroom’s Coming” (8/27/23)

Matthew 28:16-20 and various “The Beauty and Meaning of Baptism” by guest preacher Pastor Art Sartorius (8/20/23)

Note: The last few minutes of the recording includes the baptism of a covenant child.

Matthew 24:45-51 “Give Them Their Food at the Proper Time” (8/13/23)

Matthew 24:23-44 “Stay Awake and Be Ready” (8/6/23)

The recording “glitches” at about the seven minute mark, but thankfully the recording as a whole has been preserved.

Matthew 24:15-22 “For the Sake of the Elect” (7/30/23)

We are sorry, but the recording file was corrupted.

Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 “Sick of Home, Homesick, Home” by guest preacher Rev. Denzel Nonhof (7/23/23)

Matthew 24:1-14 “The One Who Endures to the End Will Be Saved” (7/16/23)

Matthew 23:13-39 “Jesus Laments” (7/9/23)

Amos 5:18-27 “What Worship Does God Require?” by guest preacher Pastor Ben Leatherberry (7/2/23)

Matthew 23:1-12 “Whoever Humbles Himself Will Be Exalted” (6/25/23)

Romans 8:12-17 “Heirs with Christ” by Elder Jason Nehl (6/18/23)

We are sorry, but the sermon did not get recorded.

John 10:16 “Jesus Owns the Sheep” by guest preacher Ferris Bauman (6/11/23)

We are sorry, but the sermon did not get recorded.

Matthew 22:41-46 “What Do You Think about the Christ?” (6/4/23)

Matthew 22:34-40 “It All Depends on Love” (5/28/23)

Matthew 22:23-33 “Do You Know the Scriptures and the Power of God?” (5/21/23)

Mark 1:1-15 “Do Not Neglect Such Great Salvation” by guest preacher Ferris Bauman (5/14/23)

We are sorry, but the sermon did not get recorded.

Matthew 22:15-22 “Give to God What Is God’s” (5/7/23)

John 19:23-27 “Woman, Behold Your Son” by guest preacher Pastor Nathan Lee (4/30/23)

Matthew 22:1-14 “Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen” (4/23/23)

We apologize for the low volume on this recording. We have posted it anyway in the hope that the Lord may still use it to bless others, but we acknowledge that it may be too quiet to hear. 

Matthew 21:23-46 “The Kingdom Belongs to Those Bearing Its Fruit” (4/16/23)

Philippians 3:4-11 “The Power of Christ’s Resurrection” (4/9/23)

Matthew 26:26-29 and 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 “The Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper” (4/2/23)

Matthew 21:18-22 “A Tree Cursed and a Mountain Moved” (3/26/23)

Matthew 21:1-17 “Hosanna to the Son of David!” (3/19/23)

Matthew 20:17-34 “The Son of Man Came to Serve” (3/12/23)

Matthew 19:27-20:16 “The Last Will Be First” (3/5/23)

We are sorry, but this sermon did not get recorded. 

Matthew 19:16-26 “With God All Things Are Possible” (2/26/2023)

Matthew 19:13-15 “The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to Those Who Are Like Little Children” (2/19/23)

Matthew 19:1-12 “Marriage, Divorce, and the Gospel” (2/12/23)

Ephesians 4:7-16, part 2 “He Gave Gifts” (2/5/23)

Acts 17:16-34 “The Intellectuals and Their Times of Ignorance” by guest preacher Pastor Art Sartorius (1/29/23)

Ephesians 4:7-16, part 1 “He Gave Gifts” (1/22/23)

Ephesians 4:4-6 “What Are We United In?” (1/15/23)

Ephesians 4:2-3 “The Heart of Worthy Walking” (1/8/23)

Galatians 5:13-26 “By the Spirit: A Life of Total Dependence” (1/1/23) by Elder Jason Nehl

John 1:14 “Have You Seen His Glory?” (12/25/22)

2022 Christmas Eve Devotion

Ephesians 4:1 “Walk Worthy of the Hope” (12/18/22)

Matthew 18:21-35 “Forgive Your Brother from Your Heart” (12/11/22)

Matthew 18:15-20 “If Your Brother Sins” (12/4/22)

Matthew 18:1-14 “Turn and Become Like Children” (11/27/22)

Matthew 17:24-27 “Not to Give Offense” (11/20/22)

1 Corinthians 12-13 “Spiritual Gifts for Building Up: Love and Knowledge” (11/13/22) by Elder Jason Nehl

2 Timothy 2:8-19 “Foundations of Assurance” (11/6/22) by guest preacher Elder TJ Loftus

Matthew 17:14-23 “Have Faith” (10/30/22)

Matthew 17:1-13 “The Transfiguration” (10/23/22)

Matthew 16:21-28 “The Way of the Cross” (10/16/22)

Matthew 16:13-20 “Jesus Is the Christ” (10/9/22)

Matthew 16:1-12 “Beware of the Leaven” (10/2/22)

Matthew 15:21-39 “Great Faith, Great Savior” (9/25/22)

Matthew 14:34-15:20 “What Defiles a Person” (9/18/22)

Matthew 14:22-33 “Why Did You Doubt?” (9/11/22)

Matthew 14:13-21 “Five Thousand Fed” (9/4/22)

Matthew 13:53-14:12 “Rejecting the Prophet” (8/28/22)

Luke 24:13-35 “Walking West with Jesus: Back into the Presence of God” by Elder Jason Nehl (8/21/22)

Matthew 13:47-52 “Have You Understood These Things?” (8/14/22)

Matthew 13:44-46 “Kingdom Treasure” (8/7/22)

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 “The Parable of the Weeds” (7/31/22)

We are sorry, but the recording was incomplete. We encourage you to meditate on this passage along with Philippians 3:7-11.

Matthew 13:24-35 “Revealing the Hidden Kingdom” (7/24/22)

Matthew 13:18-23 “The Parable of the Sower” (7/17/22)

Psalm 40:11 “Unrestrained Mercy” (7/10/22)

1 John 1:1-4 “The Revelation and Proclamation of Jesus Christ” by guest preacher Ferris Bauman (7/3/22)

1 Corinthians 15:1-28 “The Resurrection: An Essential Christian Truth” by Elder Tyler Ehnes (6/26/22)

Building Dedication Service: Message and Prayer (6/19/22)

Matthew 13:1-17 “The Purpose of the Parables: To Conceal and Reveal” (6/19/22)

Matthew 12:38-50 “Concluding Warning and Encouragement” (6/12/22)

Matthew 12:22-37 “Blasphemy and Forgiveness” (6/5/22)

Matthew 12:15-21 “Jesus Is Gentle and Lowly in Heart” (5/29/22)

Matthew 12:1-14 “Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath” (5/22/22)

Matthew 11:25-30 “God’s Absolute Sovereignty in Salvation” (5/15/22)

We are sorry, but this sermon did not get recorded. We encourage you to prayerfully meditate especially on verse 27.

Matthew 11:16-30 “Come to Jesus” (5/8/22)

Matthew 11:7-15 “Greatness” (5/1/22)

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 “Resurrection Hope: Forever with the Lord” (4/17/22)

Matthew 11:1-6 “Doubt and Assurance” (4/10/22)

Matthew 10:34-42 “Take up Your Cross” (4/3/22)

Matthew 10:26-33 “Have No Fear of Them” (3/27/22)

Matthew 10:16-25 “Be Wise as Serpents and Innocent as Doves” (3/20/22)

Matthew 10:5-15 “The Task of the Laborers” (3/13/22)

Matthew 9:35-10:4 “The Harvest Is Plentiful” (3/6/22)

Matthew 8-9 “He Took Our Illnesses” (2/27/22)

Matthew 7:12-29 “Be Doers of the Word” (2/20/22)

Matthew 7:7-11 “Ask and It Will Be Given” (2/13/22)

Matthew 7:1-6 “Judging” (2/6/22)

Various Passages “Secularism and the Impact of the Gospel” by guest preacher Pastor Dave Peterson (1/30/22)

We are sorry that the sermon recording was incomplete.

Matthew 16:1-12 “When the Thorns Choke the Word” by guest preacher Presbytery Intern Ferris Bauman (1/23/22)

Matthew 6:19-34 “Seek First the Kingdom” (1/16/22)

Matthew 6:1-18 “The Heart of Righteousness” (1/9/22)

Philippians 1:27-2:11 “Unity in the Kingdom of God” by Elder Jason Nehl (1/2/22)

Matthew 5:21-48 “You Must Be Like Your Heavenly Father” (12/26/21)

Matthew 5:17-20 “Jesus and the Law” (12/19/21)

Matthew 5:13-16 “Let Your Light Shine” (12/12/21)

1 Timothy 2:1-8 “First of All, Pray!” by guest preacher Presbytery Intern Ferris Bauman (12/5/21)

Philippians 4:10-20 “Biblical Contentment” by Elder Tyler Ehnes (11/28/21)

Matthew 5:1-12 “The Beatitudes” (11/21/21)

Matthew 4:12-25 “The Light Has Dawned” (11/14/21)

Ruth 1 “Redemption” by guest preacher Elder Jay Heeren (11/7/21)

Matthew 4:1-11 “Tempted in Every Way, Yet without Sin” (10/31/21)

Matthew 3:1-17 “Jesus Fulfills All Righteousness” (10/24/21)

Matthew 2:13-23 “He Shall Be Called a Nazarene” (10/17/21)

Matthew 2:1-12 “Worship King Jesus” (10/10/21)

Matthew 1:18-25 “His Name Is Jesus” (10/3/21)

We apologize for the low volume on this recording. We have posted it anyway in the hope that the Lord may still use it to bless others, but we acknowledge that it may be too quiet to hear. 

John 6:48-59 “Flesh and Blood” by guest preacher Pastor Art Sartorius (9/26/21)

Matthew 1:1-17 “It’s All about Jesus” (9/19/21)

Revelation Sermon Series

Revelation 19:12 “A Name No One Knows” (3/2/25)

Revelation 19:11-21 “Jesus Is Called ‘The Word of God’” (2/23/25)

Revelation 19:6-10 “The Marriage Supper of the Lamb” (2/16/25)

Revelation 18:1-19:5 “Come out of Her and Rejoice” (2/9/25)

Revelation 17:1-18 “Called and Chosen and Faithful” (2/2/25)

Revelation 16:17-21 “It Is Done!” (1/26/25)

Revelation 16:12-16 “Armaggedon” (1/19/25)

Revelation 15:5-16:11 “The Bowls of the Wrath of God” (1/12/25)

The Scripture Reading was inadvertently left off of the recording. Thankfully, the sermon as a whole was preserved.

Revelation 15:1-16:21 “The Last” (1/5/25)

Romans 5:1-5 and Various “Hope” (12/29/24)

Hebrews 12:3-11 and Various “The Privileges of the Children of God” (12/22/24)

Ephesians 6:1-3 “Children, Submit and Show Honor” by Ruling Elder Jason Nehl (12/15/24)

Ephesians 1:1 “Saints with Two Addresses” by Ruling Elder Jason Nehl (12/8/24)

Revelation 15:1-4 “The Conquerors Sing” (12/1/24)

Revelation 14:14-20 “The Final Harvest” (11/24/24)

Revelation 14:6-13 “A Call for Endurance” (11/17/24)

Revelation 14:1-5 “A Symbolic Picture of You” (11/10/24)

Revelation 13:11-18 “The Second Beast” (11/3/24)

Revelation 13:1-10 “The First Beast” (10/27/24)

Revelation 12:1-17 “The Dragon, the Woman, and the Offspring” (10/20/24)

You may find it helpful to reflect upon Martin Luther’s Hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” in connection with the sermon.

Revelation 11:14-19 “The Seventh Trumpet: Woe and Reward” (10/13/24)

2 Corinthians 1:3-11 “The God of All Comfort” (10/6/24)

2 Kings 20:12-21 “The Concerns of a ‘Good’ King” by Ruling Elder Jason Nehl (9/29/24)

Revelation 11:1-14 “Symbolic Encouragement for the Church” (9/22/24)

The administration of the Lord’s Supper is part of this recording. The sermon itself goes through 43:29.

Revelation 10:1-11 “The Bitter-Sweet Scroll” (9/15/24)

Revelation 9:12-21 “They Did Not Repent” (9/8/24)

Revelation 8:13-9:11 “The First Woe” (9/1/24)

Revelation 8:6-12 “The Wormwood” (8/25/24)

Revelation 8:6-9:21 “The Angels Blow the Trumpets” (8/18/24)

Revelation 8:1-5 “The Prayers of the Saints” (8/11/24)

Revelation 7:1-17 “Sealed and Shepherded” (8/4/24)

Revelation 6:1-17 “The Lamb Opens the Seals” (7/28/24)

Revelation 5:1-14 “Worthy Is the Lamb” (7/21/24)

Revelation 4:1-11 “The Throne in Heaven” (7/14/24)

Revelation 3:14-22 “What the Spirit Says to the Churches: Be Zealous and Repent” (7/7/24)

Revelation 3:7-13 “What the Spirit Says to the Churches: I Have Loved You” (6/30/24)

Leviticus 25:8-22 “The Jubilee (Part 2): Great Redemption” by Ruling Elder Jason Nehl (6/23/24)

Leviticus 25:1-22 “The Jubilee (Part 1): Great Provision and Rest” by Ruling Elder Jason Nehl (6/16/24)

Psalm 1 “He Knows My Way” by guest preacher Pastor Ferris Bauman (6/9/24)

Revelation 3:1-6 “What the Spirit Says to the Churches: Remember, Keep, and Repent” (6/2/24)

Revelation 2:18-29 “What the Spirit Says to the Churches: Hold Fast What You Have” (5/26/24)

Revelation 2:12-17 “What the Spirit Says to the Churches: Repent and Be Jealous for God” (5/19/24)

Revelation 2:8-11 “What the Spirit Says to the Churches: Be Faithful unto Death” (5/12/24)

Revelation 2:1-7 “What the Spirit Says to the Churches: Remember, Repent, and Love” (5/5/24)

Ruth 1:1-22 “Back to the House of Bread” by guest preacher Pastor Nathan Lee (4/28/24)

Revelation 1:9-20 “Fear Not” (4/21/24)

Revelation 1:4-8 “Grace to You and Peace” (4/14/24)

Revelation 1:1-3 “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” (4/7/24)

Evening Sermons

The Offices of Christ: Prophet (2/9/25)